Verizon Communications Inc.
We gained trust of the brand among stakeholders and generated sales leads
The client felt that the sense of security crisis was not as apparent in Japan as it was globally. In addition, the client wanted to establish efficient sales activities for its solutions. Therefore, the client communicated awareness of its services and the need for them by providing media exposure related to the sense of urgency around security.
Strategy & Execution
In order to gain credibility for the brand and generate leads, we planned and designed a corporate branding campaign. To expand awareness of the brand among a wide range of business professionals, we approached mainly business-related media.
Specifically, workshops for business partners were held with invites to the press as well, using security issues as a media hook to raise awareness of the core topics.
These activities have resulted in media coverage in Diamond Online, Cloud Watch, IT media, Security Insight, Scan Net Security, and others. Rather than the usual face-to-face sales meetings, the focus on media coverage has increased corporate credibility, broken down barriers of skepticism, and enabled the product to reach wider audiences and deepened their understanding of the ompany’s products and services. As a positive side effect, these media engagements contributed to an increase in enquiries.
About Asoviva LLC
Asoviva is an integrated communications agency that help international brands succeed in the Japan market and Japanese companies expand to abroad, by provising PR, marketing, research, digital, content and creative, among other offerings.